Owner & organization

Kalmar Öland Airport AB (KAAB) is owned 50% by Kalmar Municipality and 50% by Region Kalmar County and is responsible for the operation, management and development of the airport. KAAB is a subsidiary of Kalmar Kommunbolag AB. 

Overall management is exercised by KAAB's Board, which consists of 9 ordinary members. The Chairman of the Board is Anders Andersson. 

KAAB's operations are led by CEO / Airport Manager Ronny Lindberg. The operations are organized in a management unit and an operations department. The management unit includes Ronny Lindberg CEO, Kent Lindblad, Operations Manager, Annelie Fagerstedt, Finance Manager, Karin Lagerlöf Marketing Manager and Business Developer and Ellinor Johnson, Environmental Coordinator.
KAAB is responsible for planning / execution, maintenance and development of the airport's infrastructure in the form of runways, taxiways, parking lots, straw areas, buildings and navigation systems. The same applies to security work in the form of access protection and passenger control as well as emergency preparedness. KAAB is also responsible for planning and implementing measures to minimize the business' impact on the external environment. In addition, KAAB conducts extensive business operations through external action (ramp service), car parking, rental of premises, leases and advertising space leases, etc. KAAB employs about 40 people. 

The internal document (dispatch service) is performed by KAAB. Local air traffic control service is provided by ACR. The services are performed on behalf of KAAB through special operating agreements. These airport operators together employ about 25 people. 

Other actors with a secondary connection to the airport operating activities enter into special establishment agreements with KAAB. 

The police and customs authorities carry out activities at the airport in accordance with special regulations.